Kaitlyn Bocik
Kaitlyn Bocik
Natural Resource Technician, Utah National Guard
During my time at UT I was active in undergraduate research with the Geography and EPS departments. I focused most of my time on learning about the things I cared about most; forest ecology and GIS. Through great mentorship, I began to appreciate urban parks and greenspace. So, after graduating with a degree in Sustainability, I served a year as an Americorps member in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. There I worked on a variety of natural resource projects and helped manage the Park’s online mapping systems. The following summer I was lucky enough to land a seasonal position with the Park Service in Yellowstone.
After enjoying my time in the Western US, I decided to move to Utah where I currently work at an active military base. Here I do everything from making surveys and maps using ArcGIS online to looking for endangered snails in streams on the base.
Learning about land management from all of these different perspectives has been a fun and interesting journey. I’m grateful to have gained great skill sets and amazing mentors from UT’s geography department. Best of luck to all the recent alumni and soon to be graduates. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions.