Course flyers – GEOG 313 & GEOG 433
Dear Students,
Professor Yingkui Li is offering two courses in Fall 2021 that may be of interest to you. Please see the flyers below. Feel free to email Professor Li if you have any questions.

GEOG 313
Geospatial Field Methods of UAVs, Lidar, and GPS
Interested in learning how to fly drones (UAVs) and use LiDAR? Want to learn how to apply these technologies to create interesting, 3-dimensional maps? GEOG 313 is the class for you! In this course, we will explore the applications of drones, LiDAR, and GPS to obtain process, and analyze geospatial data.

GEOG 433
Landform Analysis and Landscape Planning
Interested in surface processes and natural disasters related to landscape planning, such as landslides, flooding, sediment transport, soil erosion, and human impact on environment? GEOG 433 is the class for you. This course helps you understand the scientific knowledge of surface processes, learn the principles and methods to mitigate natural disasters and human impact on environment, and acquire “real-world” techniques for landscape planning.