Course flyers – Geog 340 & Geog 442
Dear Students,
Prof. Madhuri Sharma is offering two courses this Fall 2021 that may be of interest to you in terms of contents as well as in terms of fulfilling several required majors, etc. for you. Please see the flyers in this pdf. Note that GEOG 340 is for UG but 442 can be taken by grads and undergrads both. Feel free to email Dr. Sharma if you have any questions.

GEOG 340
Economic Geography-Core Concepts
- Economic geography: location, distance, place & scale of economic concepts
- Evolution of capitalism, capitalism types
- Innovation & Kondratiev Waves of economic activity
- Demand & Supply theory + population economy
- World Systems Theory + core, periphery, semi-periphery
- Globalization / spatial division of labor
- Spatial interactions, distance decay and gravity model, Central Place Theory
- Transnational & multinational corporations
- Environment, economy, and food (in)security
- Gender economy and race/ethnic economy
- Culture of consumption, poverty/income inequality

GEOG 442
Urban Spaces/Urban Society
- Differences—Where, Why, and How?
- Understand and discuss the theories and empirical patterns of socio-spatial disparities and complex relationships due to human diversity
- How these factors interact with each other to produce spaces and opportunities of difference
- Urban ecology theories, neighborhoods & communities
- Gentrification, capitalism, crises in capitalism & uneven
- Race/ethnicity, diversity & multi-culturalism
- Ethnic and gender economy
- Environmental racism, white supremacy, white privilege (political-economy discourses)
- Globalization, deindustrialization & metropolitan problems (race, crime, poverty)
- Urbanization: developed & developing world
- Evaluation criteria: movie review, article critique, group-based class discussions and commentary, mid-term exam, short class presentation for all students, final exam