Horn Receives Honor from AAG
Horn Receives Honor from AAG

Sally Horn, professor in the UT Department of Geographers, was honored for her service and achievements for the American Association of Geographers (AAG) during the 2022 meeting of AAG. Horn is being honored for her significant contributions in the area of paleoenvironmental change research in underexplored neotropical regions.
“The time period I study is mainly before the time of written records, and I find it fascinating to discover the unwritten history of our planet that is preserved in sediments, soils, and materials that we can consider ‘natural archives’ of environmental change,” Horn said.
Horn’s research focus is Quaternary environments, biogeography, prehistoric impacts on the environment, fire history and ecology.
The AAG states, “Sally Horn is recognized for her many contributions to biogeography and paleogeography as well as mentoring of students and teaching.”
Receiving this award confirms Professor Horn’s outstanding contribution to her field of research. As she continues to unravel prehistoric evidence, she hopes to help make a positive impact on modern human society.
–Story by Leah Carter