Caelan Evans

Caelan Evans
GIS Technician, City of Maryville
Caelan was recently hired as a GIS Technician at the City of Maryville where he helps maintain GIS databases for Water, Sewer, and Electrical services. Working for the city has improved his geospatial awareness and appreciation for local government utilities decision making that contribute to our everyday life. He previously interned for the City of Alcoa in 2015 and the City of Maryville in 2019 where he assisted in GPS inventory of various features throughout the city. While the work was beneficial, the guidance from many supervisors was certainly valuable to his career path. Caelan also currently serves in the Air National Guard as an Intelligence Analyst in Nashville, TN. The individual and teamwork experiences and training has given him critical thinking and management skills that he can apply to his work and personal life. Caelan’s networking has given him diverse points of views where he can be successful in various paths of life. Feel free to reach out to Caelan via LinkedIn or at the next TNGIC!