Taylor Tieche

Taylor Tieche
GIS Analyst, Wood Consulting
Taylor graduated from the UTK Geography Program with her bachelor’s degree in Geography in 2017. During her time at UT, she worked with Dr. Yingkui Li, Dr. Sally Horn, Dr. Yanan Li, and Renrong Chen to study and map glacial landforms on the Chiripó massif in Costa Rica. She also worked with Drs. Sally and Roger Horn and Dr. Matthew Kerr to perform seasonal isotope analysis of mussel shell samples from Bells Bend, TN. After graduating, Taylor took her Geography degree to Nashville, where she began work as a GIS Analyst for Collier Engineering, a civil engineering company that completes municipal GIS projects in Nashville and Birmingham, Alabama.
She now works for Wood, a consulting firm with offices and projects all over the globe. Her work is water resource-focused, and most of her projects involve creating floodplains for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and distributing them to the communities which they affect. She works closely with Engineers and other GIS professionals to complete projects for private and public clients. Taylor still lives in Nashville, where she recently purchased a home. In her free time she loves to woodwork, cook, spend time outdoors, travel, and give horseback riding lessons on her horse named Smartie.