Derek Alderman
Chancellor’s Professor and President, Faculty Senate
Specialties: Cultural and historical geography; geographies of memory, race, tourism; politics of place naming and critical cartography
LaToya Eaves
Associate Professor
Specialties: Black Geographies; Feminist Geographies; American South; Critical Geographies; Black Feminism; Sexuality Studies; Qualitative Methods
Kelsey Ellis
Associate Professor and Director of the Institute for Climate and Community Resilience
Specialties: Climatology and meteorology.
Dimitris Herrera
Assistant Professor
Specialties: Hydroclimate variability and change, climate change impacts, tropics
Hannah Herrero
Assistant Professor and Director of Sustainability
Specialties: Remote Sensing, Human-Environment Interactions, Conservation, Savanna Science, Africa, Land Change Science, Physical Geography
Sally Horn
Specialties: Quaternary environments, biogeography, prehistoric impacts on the environment, fire history and ecology.
Ron Kalafsky
Professor and Department Head
Specialties: Economic and urban geography; international trade; manufacturing; economic development; and geography education
Matthew Kerr
Specialties: Quaternary environments, prehistoric human-environment interactions, tree-ring science, isotope geochemistry, archaeological chemistry.
Hyun Kim
Professor and Associate Head
Specialties: Transportation, Telecommunications, GIS, Spatial Data Science, Spatial Optimization and Modeling
Karen E. King
Assistant Professor
Specialties: Dendrochronology, paleoclimate, biogeography, forest ecology, fire-climate interactions.
Yingkui Li
Specialties: Geomorphology and paleo-climate reconstruction, Cosmogenic nuclides, LiDAR, GIS/spatial analysis, Tibetan Plateau and Tian Shan
Nikki Luke
Assistant Professor
Specialties: Urban political ecology, energy, labor, race, gender, social reproduction, environmental and energy justice, urbanization.
Anna Marshall
Assistant Professor
Specialties: fluvial geomorphology, water resources, physical geography field methods
Solange Muñoz
Associate Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies
Specialties: Urban and Cultural Geography, Latin America, Feminist Geography, Housing & Home, Critical Race Theory, Immigration
Nicholas Nagle
Professor, Program Director of the NSF Human Networks and Data Science Program. On leave until August 2026
Specialties: Spatial statistics, spatial data science and demography.
Tracey Norrell
Senior Lecturer
Specialties: Geopolitics, Historical, Political and Military Geography, Human Rights.
Mayra Román-Rivera
Specialties: Coastal Geomorphology, Coastal Management, Remote Sensing and GIS Applications of Coastal Environments
Gabe Schwartzman
Assistant Professor
Specialties: Political ecology, climate politics, community-engaged research, rural community development
Madhuri Sharma
Specialties: Racial/ethnic diversity, segregation, and contemporary housing market; Gender and Racial/ethnic economy and disparity; Gentrification, new urbanism and placemaking; Income divide, poverty, and geography of development; Informal economy and the geographies
Shih-Lung Shaw
Specialties: Transportation, geographic information science, space-time analytics, human dynamics, spatial data science.
Nicholas Sokol
Specialties: Applied Climatology, Data Science, Environmental Modeling, Food, Energy, and Water (FEW)
Jack Swab
Assistant Professor
Specialties: Critical Cartography/GIS, Health Geography, Geographic Thought
Liem Tran
Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Programs
Specialties: Physical and environmental geography; spatial data science; GIS/geospatial analysis; decision-making science (focus on human-environment interactions); artificial intelligence techniques.
Jacob Watkins
Specialties: Migration, conflict, geopolitics, East Asia, and the Middle East.
Qiusheng Wu
Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
Specialties: Geographic Information Science, Remote Sensing, LiDAR, Wetland Hydrology, Spatial Data Science, Cloud Computing
Dingfan Xing
PostDoc Research Associate
Specialties: Applied Statistics; Area Estimation; Environmental Sampling; Uncertainty