Brian Boyce
PhD Student
Specialties: Black Geographies, Performance Geographies, The Caribbean
Sukanya Das
PhD Student
Specialties: Health Geography, Feminist Geography, Cultural Ethnicity, Public Policy, Economy and Gentrification, Urban Geography, South East Asia Courses
Swachhatoya Das
PhD Student, Graduate Teaching Assistant
Specialties: Migration, Gender Economy, Population Geography, South Asia
Caleb Gore
PhD Student
Specialties: Research Interests: political economy, political ecology, environmental justice, racial capitalism, chemical production, pollution, Appalachian studies.
Shabiha Hossain
PhD Student
Specialties: Environmental Geography, Geospatial Analysis
Anna LaFollete
MS Student
Specialties: Interests in paleoenvironmental reconstruction, biogeography, and human-environment interactions.
Anna Mesa
MS Student
Specialties: Health and medical geography, political ecology, GIS, cartography, food systems
Katrina Stack
PhD Candidate
Specialties: Geographies of memory, Black geographies, heritage preservation
Shrabonti Zaman
PhD Student, Graduate Teaching Assistant
Specialties: Hydrology, Geographic Information System, Remote Sensing